How to refresh yourself while studying/working

Sanchita mishra
4 min readJul 8, 2020

As a freelancer i mostly work from home and yes!! I do get bored and cranky.

I am sure there are many people like me who are working from home during this unfortunate and serious pandemic.

All the school and college are also conducting their work schedule online. So during this time whether it is student or employee working from home, we all get tired and bored of our same routine.

We all do need some time and activities to refresh and energise out mind to continue studying and working.

So here is best 6 ways to refresh yourself for effective routine.

# Listen song

In my first “relaxing thing list” comes listening to songs, because trust me music is the best option when you want to take a break and relax your mind. I even has made a separate playlist for my break time as you can see in the picture above. My playlist includes all different genre of songs that relax my mind. You must also have a type that you enjoy. You can also make a playlist if you want or can start the way you like.

# Meditate

Whenever i have a deadline or hectic work meditation is best go to option to realx my mind. Just move aside all the work and study material and find a peaceful place. You do not have to master a course or something, just sit on the floor or even chair. Start by taking deep breath in and out slowly. And see how this do magic for you.

# Write a journal

Writing a journal is a very effective way to explore your mind’s refreshment. Just take a pen and dairy, any notebook will do. And strat by writing down all things you have done so far in the day. Usually for me journal writing includes making goals, all the exciting (sometimes not so exciting things) that happened. This exercise will not only help you in relaxing your mind but also set your goals and mind straight. So do not wait long and start your usual.

#watch funny videos

“laughing is, and will always be, the best form of therapy”. Yes, it indeed is a best therapy and that’s why my “relaxing things list" includes watching funny videos.

This will give your mind a good break and charge that is needed. If you ask me then i would recommend watching korean drama, they surely will give you good laugh. But you can always find your own laughing therapy videos.

#Dance your heart out

Dancing is two in one kind of therapy. It not only energise your mind and body but can be seen as a fun form of exercise also. Don’t know how to dance, not a problem. Dancing do not need perfection, it is a art of enjoying and having fun with your whole being.

#Take selfies

Yes!! You got it right. Take selfies. This is something that was not even option for me. But one of my selfie obsessed friend suggested just to try it. And i tried it. It actually is a great way of of taking a break and rightfully enjoying it. So even if you are not into taking selfies, just give it a try. Who knows even you become obsessed with taking selfies.

So, to sum it up you can try anything you want that excites and relax your mind. You can start from one of my suggested or can make your own list. Have fun while working/studying.

